Bienvenido a
y a nuestra tradicion de proteger lo mas importante.

Our mission
Jay Insurance has strived to carry on the vision of the founders, his parents.
With this in mind, the agency continues providing the policyholders, as always, peace of mind and protection that fulfills their ever-changing insurance needs!
These needs will only come through a commitment to profitability and financial stability by Professional and excellent customer service.
Today, JAY Insurance Legacy builds upon its sound heritage of financial strength, continues for all Business and Individual customers as their Insurance Professional excelling in the following insurance products:
– Life Insurance
– Final Expense Benefits
– Medicare Supplements
– Medicare Advantage Plans
– Health Insurance – Medical
– (Short term Coverage)
– Property and Casualty coverage! AUTO/HOME/MOBILE HOME/MOTORCYCLE/ Flood Insurance Too
“Helping families get the most value out of their financial services, is at the heart of all we do”
Provide your family the Best Love Letter Ever
Jay Insurance has served the PSJA, McAllen and Valley-wide area since 1983 and has been expanding throughout the whole state.
In Property & Casualty lines, we offer very competitive personal auto liability “What the law requires.” SR-22s and high-risk liability binders available immediately.
Residence & Commercial Fire binding is available for just about any risk.
Provide your family the “Best Love Letter” ever when you prepare your financial future with our Flexible Annuity and Life Insurance products that pay high-interest earnings to design an attractive individual, Family or Group program for you.
Trying to survive in our economy today is a big task, but nonetheless, most business owners can qualify for our Group Life and Major Medical plans available for between two to 50 employees.
If you are in this category: College graduate, High School graduate or in between jobs, we have the solution. Short-Term Major Medical Plans will provide you medical benefits until you have secured your full-time employment.
Nevertheless, we do not discriminate our High-Risk Individual. Regardless of health reasons, no medical exam is required. Guaranteed Issue Life Insurance is at hand here at Jay Insurance.